Skin Boosters Treatment

  • Skin
  • Skin Boosters Treatment

Skin Boosters Treatment

Also called injectable moisturisers are designed to hydrate,nourish, and rejuvenate skin from within. Using a series of microinjections, skin boosters deliver hyaluronic acid, directly into the skin, replenishing moisture levels and stimulating collagen production producing plump , firm and youthful looking skin .

Best suited for - Dehydration , dullness, sensitivity , skin texture & wrinkling.

What is skin boosters’ treatment?

Skin boosters are used to enhance the texture, quality and tone of the skin by providing hydration and improving skin's elasticity. Skin Boosters are typically composed of hyaluronic acid, powerful hydrator and collagen builder, and other natural ingredients like vitamins and peptides.

Is it the best choice for me?

Skin boosters are for someone who has lost facial volume due to age, with sagging skin, deep wrinkles and dull complexion. If you have already tried their facial treatments but have seen limited results then skin boosters are the best choice for you.

What is skin booster’s treatment process?

During the procedure, hyaluronic Acid is injected into the dermis, a layer of skin with a thin needle. The acid helps hydrate and rejuvenate the skin, and improves its texture and firmness, and tone the injection process may feel slightly uncomfortable, but this varies between patients and treatments. Depending on the derived outcome, several injections may be administered to different areas of the face/body.

Benefits of skin boosters

  • Improved skin texture and tone
  • reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhanced skin hydration
  • Improved skin elasticity

It can also help with signs of aging, acne, sun damages, pigmentation and uneven skin tone.


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